Family literacy
Family literacy resources
The Saskatchewan Literacy Network has developed numerous resources to support family and intergenerational learning. Many of these are designed and written for adult learners. We are featuring a set of booklets that you can share with learners. Their website also contains tip sheets and some mini-books written in two languages.
Copyrighted. Available for downloading and distribution. Contact the Saskatchewan Literacy Network if you want to make other changes.

Collection of digital picture books
"Storybooks Canada is a free open educational resource that promotes literacy and language learning in homes, schools, and communities." Children’s books that can be used as part of family literacy workshops or programs are available in English, French and commonly spoken newcomer languages.
Collection of Indigenous digital picture books
Indigenous Storybooks is also free open educational resource that aims to develop books in several Indigenous languages in addition to English, French and commonly spoken newcomer languages.
Storybooks from a South African publisher
Book Dash is a South African social impact publisher of free books for very young children. Their aim is to ensure every child can own and access 100 books by the age of five. The books are available in English and numerous African languages.
The collection is also available in an app from Google Play
Strategies and insights for parents of Black children in Ontario schools
Parents of Black Children, an advocacy organization with the aim "to to eliminate anti-Black racism and de-colonize the education system" has produced an informative guide for Black parents with children in Ontario schools. Explore the numerous resources for Black parents, including access to system navigators.
Navigating the Education System PDF
Copyrighted. Available as a PDF for sharing.
Resources from the Toronto Public Library
The Toronto Public Library (TPL) has three dedicated online spaces for a variety of literacy and learning resources for children and teens. Parents and other caregivers who are looking for ways to support children with their learning will find many useful resources and information including the following which are available without a library card:
Book recommendations
You-Tube story-time videos
Online homework help

Family learning activities
Laubach Literacy Ontario has produced a comprehensive book filled with activities you can use in a family learning program.
Copyrighted. Available as a PDF.