Grammar and puncuation
Grammar on the Go
Grammar on the Go from Open School BC is a free workbook geared to Grades 6-9. You might need to review some content when using with adult learners. On the plus side, Canadian references are made. Topics include parts of speech, punctuation, sentences, paragraphs and spelling.
Level - Grades 6-9
Copyrighted. PDFs available.
Writing on the Run
Writing on the Run (Grades 9-12) is an interactive website from Open School BC. It includes complementary printable tutorials on the following topics:
In addition, a comprehensive set of PDFs that include both the website and tutorial elements is available. These can be used on their own. Topics include constructing sentences, parts of speech, punctuation and writing style and process.
Level - Grades 9-12
Copyrighted. PDFs available.

Grammar and punctuation for the GED
This collection of grammar activities is focused on passing the GED test and not general grammar. Priorities and topics might be different from general grammar overviews.
No copyright or licensing information provided.
8 p*ARTS from EduProtocols
8 p*ARTS of speech from the site EduProtocols uses engaging photographs and templates to help learners explore grammar and apply their knowledge when writing. Once you get an account, you'll find a complete collection of tools along with an introductory video and samples created by other educators.
EduProtocols are fun and engaging activities designed to replace traditional worksheets that can be repetitive and boring. Although the protocols are designed for children some (not all) can work with adults.
The majority of content is copyrighted and only accessible through various fee-paying means (i.e. courses, subscription, e-book purchase). Free templates are available through an account.
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 applied to free resources.
Khan Academy grammar
The Khan Academy grammar section provides shareable and free videos along with interactive practice activities. All activities can be shared online with a link or in Google Classroom. The introductory videos and brief activities are a good complement to lengthier practice activities on Perfect English Grammar (below).
Copyrighted. Share online or in Google Classroom.
Comprehensive collection of grammar topics
Perfect English Grammar is a site primarily for adult English language learners but educators may find the comprehensive collection of grammar practice exercises and explanations useful. Both the exercises and explanations are available as PDFs and online. The listing of grammar topics is comprehensive and can be used to address individual learner challenges as they arise.
Copyrighted. "May be freely copied for personal or classroom use."
Driving Digital Learning language arts resources
All resources made available on the site Driving Digital Learning are open source and modifiable. While they are designed for elementary and middle school grades, many sections that don't make direct reference to US curricula can be used with adult learners. You may want to modify the graphics and some content. Below are grammar focused resources found in the the Language Arts section.

Three figurative language slide presentations
Level - Elementary grades
Sentence construction mini unit is a comprehensive set of activities organized in a hyperdoc.
Level - Grade 7

Open textbook for secondary preparation
Don't let the title fool you! High Intermediate Academic Grammar for ESL is not just a grammar text. Instead, grammar is integrated into each of the eight chapters that are grouped into three units focused on psychology, American history and human development. Pick and choose the units and chapters and include or exclude the grammar topics depending on your learners using the Word version. The topic-first approach with integrated grammar, reading and discussion activities is an ideal approach for adult literacy learners.
Level - Secondary level academic preparation

Open textbook for post-secondary preparation
Similar to High Intermediate Academic Grammar for ESL the Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL Students by the same author, integrates grammar with reading, listening and discussion activities organized by eight different topics of interest to adult learners such as sleep, health and nutrition and tsunamis. Pick and choose the activities that will work with your learners using the Word version.
Level - Post-secondary academic preparation